Friday, January 1, 2016


One of the deciding factors that made this blog happen again was the fact that I've been doing a yearly recap of the things I have done/accomplished etc, you know what I'm on about.. for the past 10 years ish and I was a little sad that I didn't have a platform anymore to kind of just list it all out.

So here it goes! What went downnnnn in Two Thousand and Fifteen.
  • The most obvious thing. Stopped blogging at Bytes-Infinitum and moved on to this pretty little place. 
  • Traveled! One of my most favorite things to do ever and if I had unlimited money and no responsibilities at all,  I would be traveling all day err'day but unfortunately, life isn't like that but I'm thankful I've been able to visit the following places in 2015: Manila, Puerto Princesa, Tioman, Melbourne, Bangkok (twice!), Chiang Mai, Langkawi (finally), Jakarta and Singapore. As well as went back home to Brunei several times too! Can't live without seeing my parents and my Scamp & Peps so I gots to make those trips home every couple of months. Which reminds me that I am actually due for a trip home. Need to organise that asap.
  •  Started teaching kids. I always thought that I didn't have patience for children or that maybe I just didn't like them all that much. However, having taught several classes now.. with kids aged 5 - 7, I realise you know what? I really should give myself more credit. I have more patience than I thought I did. *happy* I teach English btw and it's the hardest thing ever. 
  •  Moved in to a place that I can call my own and I am *loving* it. 
  • Got myself a pair of wrist tattoos! Since I was in my early teens I've always wanted wrist tattoos. There was always something stopping me from getting them but I went ahead and got them this year. I got "Love is patient. Love is kind." and it's my favourite. I look at them everyday and I don't think I could ever get sick of looking at them. It's also a reminder sort of for me? To always be kind and to always be patient and whilst it doesn't always work, I'm trying!
  •  Actually not spent a lot of money on make-up this year. I didn't even fall into the holiday trap when all them beautiful palettes were being thrown out. I stood my ground and didn't even buy one palette. It's hard and it's taking a lot of self control but I'm proud of myself. The money goes to better things like paying bills and eating.
  •  Made a couple of really good friends that I am so thankful for. Also, reminded always that some people are just not worth all the effort especially when it's not reciprocated. 
  • Would you believe me if I said that I've improved my mandarin a fair bit this year? Because, I have! I can actually gossip (to a certain extent) in complete mandarin and even order in a shop properly. Mad happy. My hopes for 2016 is to improve even more and just widen my vocabulary and that people are willing to want to speak to me in Mandarin more.
  •  Went to DWP in Jakarta in Nov'15 and it was a really surreal experience. 8 hours of non-stop dancing and just screaming and throwing our hands in the air was really fun albeit we felt like we were the little mermaid walking for the first time with daggers in our feet afterwards. Felt like it was worth it though. Really REALLY enjoyed it. Glad for midnight decisions. 
  •  Joined a treasure hunt organised by work that took us from KL all the way to Johor so that was really fun and took a lot of brain power. 
  •  Started calligraphy writing and now it's one of my favourite past time to release stress. Very proud of how far I've come with this so there's that. 
  • My Macbook Pro died on me and has not been revived ever since. Well to be fair, she's been in the hospital for the past 2 months and so far no good news. Can I just say I had 5 years of memories in that laptop and it really kills me. Also, my hard disk that has memories dating back to when I was using my Sony Ericson in my secondary school years has also malfunctioned so I have actually no memories that I can look back to at the moment and that KILLS me. 
Basically, a lot happened in 2015 even though it wasn't anything huge or life changing I feel like it's been a pretty decent year. Lots and lots of terrible days but I've had some really good times too and I am so SO grateful for people I can call my friends who have made the good times in 2015 happen.

I was also unfortunate to meet the worst guy ever but in a way, I am lucky because now I am really really sure about what I want and don't want in any guy that I ever date. I lost a lot of self-respect at that moment and it was something that I regretted wholeheartedly but hey, you get over it. I take it as a lesson to not ever lower my standards and that some people are just dickheads and can't be helped (mostly because they don't want to be helped..) but seriously though, where do these people even come from? No respect for women and just the worst. I am so glad that saga is not something that's ongoing right now and fingers crossed that will never ever happen again.

Moving on to 2016, I'm ready for some changes in my life. I'll be turning 25! So that's halfway to my 30-s which is really quite exciting! I've got some plans to carry out this year but I won't list them down even though it would make me accountable but a bit shy lah. Like what everyone says though, New year, New me! New in a sense.. upgraded.. better? My brains...

ALSO, I intended for this post to be super picture laden but unfortunately, I am typing this on my Thinkpad from work and I have no friggin idea how to transfer pictures from my iPhone to this computer. So..


I'll update the post or do another one when I figure it out because I want to have pictures on this blog cause it's so nice to look back and ahhhhh.

I miss my Macbook Pro A LOT. I don't even know how to put it in words.

To everyone who's read this entire post, thank you! Have a happy jolly 2016 filled with luck and love and good health and happiness. May we all be happy in 2016.



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